8 Paired Tetrahedral Silicates and Related Minerals

8 Paired Tetrahedral Silicates and Related Minerals

8.1 Lawsonite


Occurrence—Lawsonite is a rare mineral found mainly in high-pressure metamorphic rocks of the blueschist facies, less commonly in eclogites.

Distinguishing Features— Lawsonite grains are colorless and subhedral to euhedral, with moderately high relief. Occurrence in high-pressure low-temperature rocks (blueschists, especially) is key to identifying this mineral.

Crystals are normally tabular or prismatic with rhombic, rectangular, or square cross sections (Figs 8.1.1 and 8.1.2). The mineral  displays up to 2nd-order blue colors. Complex polysynthetic twins are common.

Lawsonite has two perfect and two fair cleavages. Two perpendicular cleavages may show in tabular or elongate section; two “rhombic” cleavages show in cross section.

Similar Minerals—Clinozoisite resembles lawsonite but often has anomalous interference colors and much higher relief. Prehnite has greater birefringence; tremolite has oblique extinction; and wollastonite has a smaller 2V (and is typically found in calc-silicates, not blueschists).


Optical; Properties
■ Orthorhombic; biaxial (+)
2V = 79° to 85°
■ α = 1.665, β = 1.674, γ = 1.685
■ δ = 0.020
■ Extinction appears symmetrical in end views; parallel in longitudinal views

Fig 8.1.1 Eclogite

This eclogite from the Sivrihisar Massif, Turkey, contains mostly green omphacite (clinopyroxene) and colorless to turbid blocks of lawsonite. Small amounts of blue glaucophane, and one equant grain of garnet (left of center just above a rectangular crystal of lawsonite) (PP) are also present. Both the omphacite and lawsonite show up to middle 2nd-order interference colors (XP). Glaucophane displays anomalous low-order colors. The garnet is isotropic. FOV = 3.5 mm. Thin section from Dr. Donna Whitney, University of Minnesota.

■ Larger photos: PP XP

Fig 8.1.2 Blueschist

This classic blueschist from coastal California contains large crystals of colorless lawsonite; cores of large crystals are choked with tiny inclusions (PP). The matrix consists of fine-grained, moderate-relief blue to lavender glaucophane, tiny high-relief brownish titanite, and a grain or two of moderate-relief muscovite (PP). Although lawsonite is a moderate-relief mineral, it is surrounded by higher-relief minerals, so its relief appears low. In XP, lawsonite, glaucophane, and muscovite all show intense 2nd-order interference colors. Titanite is too fine-grained to show interference colors at this magnification. Lawsonite’s blocky form, distinctive interference colors, and association with glaucophane all serve to identify it. FOV = 3 mm.

■ Larger photos: PP XP

Fig 8.1.3 Blueschist

This is a blueschist from the Sivrihisar Massif, Turkey that contains blue glaucophane — mostly blades/laths, but there is one diamond-shaped end section near the center of the view. Colorless to cloudy blocky lawsonite is abundant with one large grain dominating the lower-right area of the section. A flaky sinewy mass of phengite (white mica) occupies the lower-left. Small grains of high-relief titanite are also present. In crossed polars, the glaucophane shows 1st-order yellow interference colors, phengite shows upper-2nd order colors (mostly blue), and the glaucophane shows anomalous 1st-order colors. Small grains of quartz are also present. FOV = 3.5 mm. Thin section from Dr. Donna Whitney, University of Minnesota.

■ Larger photos: PP XP

Fig 8.1.4 Blueschist

This thoroughly typical blueschist from coastal California contains large colorless, blocky crystals of lawsonite in a fine-grained sea of moderate-relief, light-blue to lavender glaucophane (PP). Fine-grained titanite is also present, and perhaps a grain or two of quartz. In XP, lawsonite shows up to 2nd-order colors, and glaucophane’s blue color tints its 1st-order gray to white colors. FOV = 3.5 mm.

■ Larger photos: PP XP

8.2 Vesuvianite (Idocrase)


Occurrence—Vesuvianite is a rare mineral found primarily in contact aureoles associated with impure limestone or dolomite.

Distinguishing Features—Vesuvianite crystals have high relief and are typically colorless, although some are light green, yellow, or brown. Pleochroism is absent or very weak.

Vesuvianite crystals (PP)

Vesuvianite crystals occur as short tetragonal prisms, sometimes with rounded corners. It may also be in anhedral grains or radial, columnar, or fibrous aggregates. Vesuvianite has several poor cleavages but they are rarely visible in thin section. Twinning is absent.

In crossed polars, interference colors are no higher than 1st-order gray. Anomalous interference colors are common, often deep indigo blue but sometimes olive, yellow, or brown.

Vesuvianite is tetragonal and uniaxial.

Similar Minerals—Vesuvianite may be confused with zoisite or clinozoisite, but these minerals are biaxial and usually show cleavage. Epidote, also biaxial, has greater birefringence and is often faintly green or yellow. Andalusite is biaxial. Andalusite and apatite both have lower relief than vesuvianite.


Optical Properties
■ Tetragonal; uniaxial (-)
■ ω = 1.702-1.795, ε = 1.700-1.774
■ δ = 0.001-0.021; interference colors are low 1st-order or anomalous
■ Elongate crystals are length fast and display parallel extinction

Fig 8.2.1 Xenolith with Vesuvianite

The large almost colorless vesuvianite grain in the center is surrounded by higher-relief augite.  In the XP view, the vesuvianite shows 1st-order gray interference colors and conspicuous zoning. The augite displays high 2nd-order colors. Photos from alexstrekeisen.com. FOV = 2 mm.

■ Larger photos: PP XP

Fig 8.2.2 Vesuvianite Marble

Here we see high-relief vesuvianite on both sides of a large patch of calcite in a marble from Gavorrano, Italy. In XP, the vesuvianite shows only 1st-order gray interference colors. The calcite has such high-order colors that they cannot be seen. But the calcite shows twinning which aids identification. Photos from alexstrekeisen.com. FOV = 7 mm.

■ Larger photos: PP XP

Fig 8.2.3 Xenolith with Vesuvianite

This XP view (no PP view is available) of a xenolith from Mt. Vesuvius, shows vesuvianite with anomalous blue interference colors (in the center of the photo). The highly-birefringent minerals that appear to be on top of the vesuvianite are clinopyroxene. The photo comes from www.strekeisen.com. FOV = 2 mm.

■ Larger photos: XP

Fig 8.2.4 Metasomatic Talc Rock

Moderate-relief, pale-yellow vesuvianite grains stand out in a matrix of colorless talc and chlorite with some black graphite in PP.  In XP, it is the colorful birefringence of the talc that is most noticeable.  A few grains of vesuvianite show low 2nd-order interference colors, proof that the thin section is a bit thick (more than 30 microns).  The chlorite is black.  This rock comes from Maine. FOV = 1.25 mm

■ Larger photos: PP XP

8.3 Epidote Clinozoisite Zoisite Allanite

Ca2(Al2Fe3+)3Si3O12(OH) (epidote) – Ca2Al3Si3O12(OH) (clinozoisite; zoisite)

Occurrence—Epidote and clinozoisite form a solid solutions series but epidote always contains substantial ferric iron. They can be hard to tell apart. Zoisite is an orthorhombic polymorph of clinozoisite that contains little Fe.

These minerals are common in low- and medium-grade metamorphic rocks, especially greenschists, amphibolites, and calc-silicate rocks, as well as in high-pressure blueschists and eclogites. They may be minor accessory minerals or major primary minerals in a rock. Epidote can also be produced by alteration of feldspars in rocks of many different compositions.

Distinguishing Features—Clinozoisite and zoisite are normally colorless, but epidote can be faintly yellowish to pistachio green. Grains may be color zoned.

Individual prismatic crystals of these minerals are typically tabular, stubby, or elongate prisms. They can have a pseudohexagonal cross section. Columnar aggregates are common. Epidote and clinozoisite may be replacement minerals forming patches or aggregates. One good cleavage is apparent in some orientations; an additional poor cleavage is rarely seen. Simple twins may be present.

Epidote and clinozoisite have high relief and inclined extinction, although the extinction angle for clinozoisite can be very small. Zoisite has parallel extinction.

Clinozoisite may display anomalous or normal 1st-order colors. Epidote has greater birefringence than clinozoisite and commonly shows intense upper-2nd to 3rd-order colors, depending on composition. Individual epidote grains may appear brightly colored and patchy with lots of different colors, or like an archery target with concentric color rings, when viewed with crossed polars. Zoisite sometimes displays anomalous Berlin blue or patchy brownish-gray interference colors instead of 1st-order gray or white.

Similar Minerals—Epidote is distinguished from clinozoisite by being biaxial (-), having much higher birefringence, and having a yellow to yellow-green color. Greenish epidote is distinguished from most clinopyroxenes by cleavage, a smaller extinction angle, optic sign, and higher relief. Zoisite (the orthorhombic polymorph of clinozoisite) and clinozoisite have lower birefringence than epidote; zoisite has parallel extinction.

Fayalite is normally yellow or yellow-green and shows little cleavage. Vesuvianite is uniaxial (-). Allanite, a rare earth-bearing epidote-group mineral, is typically pleochroic brown, and can form cores to larger epidote grains. Piemontite is an Mn-rich variety of epidote with strong colors (yellow, orange, red, or violet) and marked pleochroism. Epidote and garnet have nearly the same relief, so they may appear similar in plane-polarized light, but garnet is isotropic.


Optical Properties
■ Epidote and clinozoisite are monoclinic; epidote is biaxial (-); clinozoisite is biaxial (+). Zoisite is orthorhombic; biaxial (+)
2V = 69° to 89° (epidote); 2V = 14° to 90° (clinozoisite); 2V = 0° to 69° (zoisite)
■ Refractive indices are high for these minerals (>1.71 for epidote, >1.67 for clinozoisite/zoisite)
■ δ = 0.015-0.048 (epidote) or 0.005-0.015 (clinozoisite/zoisite)
■ Cleavage fragments of epidote and clinozoisite often show an optic axis figure
■ Extinction is inclined (epidote, clinozoisite) in longitudinal section, although the extinction angle may be small; it is parallel for zoisite
■ Crystals may be length fast or length slow, depending on composition


Fig 8.3.1 Mafic Schist

This mafic schist contains mostly pleochroic hornblende (green hues; PP) and epidote (colorless; PP). Epidote grains show multiple interference colors creating zones or concentric rings in most grains (XP). Some hornblende grains show a hint of a diamond shape and of amphibole’s characteristic 60°-120° cleavage angle. The field of view is about 2.5 mm.

■ Larger photos: PP XP

Fig 8.3.2 Blueschist

This sample from near Panoche Pass, California, contains abundant blue glaucophane, some showing the classic diamond-shaped amphibole cross section and cleavage. Many small grains of high-relief epidote are readily visible in PP light but get lost in the XP view. The nearly colorless matrix material that encloses the glaucophane and epidote is jadeitic pyroxene, with low-order inteference colors, anomalous in some grains (XP). The field of view is about 2.5 mm.

■ Larger photos: PP XP

Fig 8.3.3 Altered Hornblende

The large, diamond-shaped mass was originally hornblende but has been replaced by other minerals. Quartz and feldspar surround the former amphibole grain. In PP light, chlorite and epidote both appear light green (but the chlorite has a more “micaceous” character and lower relief). Under XP, chlorite shows anomalous green-gray interference colors while the epidote shows upper-2nd order interference colors. The opaque mineral is magnetite. This sample comes from near Garfield, Colorado. The field of view is about 2 mm.

■ Larger photos: PP XP

Fig 8.3.4 Epidote Amygdule

Epidote has filled an amygdule in this highly altered basalt from Keweenaw County, Michigan. The color of the epidote is typical – a sort of off-color yellow-green. Interference colors are classic – various shades of intense colors within individual grains. The opaque material around the amygdule is a mixture of glass, hematite, and chlorite. Note several bubbles introduced when the thin section was made. The field of view is about 3.5 mm.

■ Larger photos: PP XP

Fig 8.3.5 Epidote Amphibolite

This rock comes from near Lebanon, New Hampshire. High-relief, small, light-beige crystals of epidote predominate in the PP view.  Dark blue-green to pale-green laths of hornblende, colorless plagioclase and colorless quartz comprise the rest of the image. In XP, the epidote crystals glow with bright 2nd- and 3rd-order interference colors.  The quartz and untwinned plagioclase dispalys shades of gray interference colors. FOV = 2.5 mm

■ Larger photos: PP XP

Fig 8.3.6 Epidote and Allanite in Granite

This granite from South Carolina contains a common texture in which large crystals of brown allanite are rimmed by colorless, high-relief epidote (PP). Other minerals are brown biotite and low-relief colorless quartz. In XP, the allanite is a typical dull greenish gray, epidote has intense upper 1st-order colors, quartz is 1st-order gray to white, and biotite shows birds eye extinction. FOV = 1.4 mm.
■ Larger photos: PP XP

Fig 8.3.7 Epidote and Allanite in Blueschist

This schist from Syros, Greece, contains large laths of high-relief colorless epidote cored by characteristically brown allanite (PP). Allanite is a rare earth rich variety of epidote. Moderate-relief glaucophane is optically zoned with darker blue cores (likely more Fe-rich) and light blue rims (PP). Colorless quartz and muscovite make up most of the rock. Fine-grained clots of high-relief rutile are also present. In XP, allanite is a muddy brown, epidote is anomalous lemon yellow, glaucophane is a beautiful 1st-order orange to blue, muscovite is 2nd order, and quartz is 1st-order gray to white. The dark color of rutile masks its high order interference colors. FOV = 1.4 mm.

■ Larger photos: PP XP

Fig 8.3.8 Clinozoisite in a Siliceous Carbonate

Colorless moderate-relief clinozoisite is a principal mineral in this silicate-rich layer in a calcite marble. Clear bladed tremolite is also present. There is no clear cleavage in the clinozoisite, but two cleavages intersecting at 60° and 120° are visible in the tremolite. Also visible in PP are pale brown phlogopite, low-relief colorless quartz, one small pale yellow tourmaline grain with a green core, and opaque graphite.  In XP the clinozoisite has low, 1st-order gray colors. The tremolite and phlogopite show upper 1st- to low 2nd-order colors.  FOV = 2.5 mm.

■ Larger photos: PP XP

Fig 8.3.9 Clinozoisite in a Metabasite

In PP, we see high-relief clinozoisite that is surrounded by low-relief quartz (and plagioclase, but the plagioclase cannot be easily distinguished). Some clinozoisite shows anomalous blue-green interference colors. Patchy interference colors are typical of epidote/clinozoisite. The high birefringence of one grain suggests that it is epidote. It was not possible to determine the optic sign of that grain, but the optic sign of a different grain is positive, suggesting it is clinozoisite. Both epidote and clinozoisite could be present, but chemical analysis is needed to tell for sure.

■ Larger photos: PP XP

Fig 8.3.10 Zoisite in Anorthosite

Zoisite forms an alteration patch in plagioclase in this altered anorthosite. Zoisite is essentially an orthorhombic, very low-iron epidote. As an alteration product, it commonly forms as masses or veins of irregular, ragged crystals in Ca-rich plagioclase. Zoisite has low-1st order birefringence, often displaying characteristic anomalous Berlin-blue (seen in this view) or anomalous brown interference colors. Photos from Dr. Kurt Hollocher. FOV = 3 mm.

■ Larger photos: PP XP